Guests that are interested in making a booking are able to check availability of listings on the listing page, and Guests can reach out to hosts with specific questions prior to booking via the listing page as well (see the contact link in the below snip).


Once desired dates are selected, guests will see a breakdown of the booking amount inclusive of all fees and expenses and will be able to “request to book”.

Before a booking is confirmed, hosts are able to review and approve the booking inquiry. Both the guest and host will be able to see all communication and actions in the field labeled “Activity” on the listing page, which includes a timeline of the booking request as well as any messages that have been sent.

The messaging portal will remain active for the duration of the guests stay; this is the primary recommended mode of communication in order to maintain a record of communication with hosts. Direct communications with hosts outside of our Activity messaging portal may not be used to resolve any issues that arise with hosts.

Rules Of The Road:

To help create comfortable, reliable stays for guests, we ask all hosts remain as responsive as possible with customers. Below are some helpful general guidelines: