Below is a summary of the various steps of payout procedures:

  1. The payment flow begins with the bookings request. When a guest requests to make a booking, no charges are made yet, and a booking request will be sent to the host (see Bookings Inquiries & Messaging With Guests).
  2. Once host accepts a booking request, the full amount is charged to the customer and the funds are put into an escrow account managed by our third party payment processor, Stripe.
  3. Funds will remain in the escrow account until after the next business day following the guest’s checkout date. The host’s proceeds are then sent to the host’s bank account on file (see Linking Your Bank Account for instructions to link your bank account to stripe). Proceeds paid out to the host will be net of the Host Listing Fee and Guest Booking fee (see Nomacasa Fee Structure).

Nomacasa’s fee structure is exceedingly transparent and simple:

Additional charges for add-ons such as chefs, bartenders, yoga instructors, etc. will be charged separately.

Many different municipalities across the US charge transient occupancy taxes, which is a tax on short term rentals. TOTs are typically charged based on total nightly rental income, including cleaning fees. TOTs will need to be included in the total nightly rate offered by hosts (in addition to cleaning fees).

Cleaning fees are also broken out separately in the bookings page.

Discounts from promotions are automatically applied at check out.